AWS Security integration | How We Cut Our Cloud Security Costs by 47% with AWS Integration

AWS Security integration

AWS security integration is the #1 cloud security tactic on every CISO’s mind in 2023, with breaches surging over 80% in cloud environments last year. However, hasty AWS integration without the right strategy can sink your security. Here are 3 fatal AWS security integration mistakes to avoid, and how to integrate AWS the right way … Read more

Explained cloud security consolidation | Reduce Your Cloud Attack Surface by 73% With This Simple Security Strategy

Cloud Security Consolidation

With cloud security consolidation, you can cut through complexity. Feeling overwhelmed trying to manage a complex web of security solutions in the cloud? You’re not alone. Recent surveys show that 73% of organizations use products from 10 or more security vendors. This fragmentation leads to gaps in visibility, increased costs, and ultimate vulnerability. But cloud … Read more

5 Mind-Blowing DevSecOps Transformations That Will Inspire You

Cybersecurity DevSecOps

Discover the Power of DevSecOps: Unleash Security and Agility in Your Software Development Process; In today’s rapidly evolving technology landscape, DevSecOps is becoming increasingly essential for organizations looking to stay ahead of the curve. By seamlessly integrating security into the DevOps pipeline, businesses can dramatically reduce the risk of data breaches and other cyber threats. … Read more

The ultimate guide to revolutionizing your cloud and data strategy | Best 5 Tips for cloud and data strategy

Cloud and Data Strategy

Cloud and data strategy are critical components of any successful business model in today’s digital landscape. With increasing competition and constantly evolving technological advances, it’s essential to stay on top of the game. In this article, we’ve compiled tips from top industry leaders to help you accelerate your cloud and data strategy. One of the … Read more

Microsoft Resolves Security Issue Impacting Bing and Microsoft 365 | Explained Azure Security Flaw

Azure Security Flaw

Millions of users of Bing and Microsoft 365 could have been at danger of cyberattacks due to the recent “Azure Security Flaw” in Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure. Nonetheless, Microsoft responded to the problem right away, preventing the potential catastrophe. The vulnerability that may have exposed private data was found by a cybersecurity company. Microsoft’s prompt response … Read more

How IBM’s X-Force provides Zero Day Prevention | Top 5 X-Force Features explained

Zero Day Prevention

Hackers Beware: X-Force gives Zero Day Prevention In Its Tracks With This Genius Move; Attention all cybercriminals, your days are numbered thanks to the brilliant minds behind X-Force’s latest security triumph. The team has outsmarted another potential zero-day attack, leaving hackers scrambling to find a new vulnerability to exploit. But what exactly did they do … Read more

Okta Brings Authentication to Encrypted Zoom Meetings | Top 5 Okta Authentication benefits Explained

Okta authentication for Zoom meetings

Here’s How to Keep Your Team Safe When Using Okta Authentication for Zoom Meetings. The use of video conferencing tools like Zoom has exploded as more and more people across the world continue to work remotely. Yet, there are now more security dangers associated with this newfound convenience. Thankfully, adding Okta authentication to your Zoom … Read more

Top 25 Cloud Sensor Technologies for Enhanced Cloud Security

carbon black cloud sensor service

One effective method for enhancing cloud security is to use cloud sensor services. In the modern era of cloud computing, security concerns are at an all-time high. As more and more sensitive data is being stored on the cloud, businesses must take preventative measures to protect their assets. Businesses are now using the cloud, thanks … Read more

25 Best Practices to Ensure Maximum Security with AWS GuardDuty

aws guardduty

Securing your cloud infrastructure is essential for business continuity in today’s digital world. AWS GuardDuty has become a necessary tool for any firm using Amazon Web Services as a result of the increase in cyber threats (AWS). AWS GuardDuty continuously scans your AWS environment for harmful activity and unauthorized access attempts as a threat detection … Read more

Which aspect is the most important for cloud security? | Top 25 Cloud Security Techniques for Maximum Protection

which aspect is the most important for cloud security

Which aspect is the most important for cloud security? Businesses struggle to protect their sensitive data hosted in the cloud as cloud technology is rapidly adopted by them. As there are many elements that affect cloud security, it is essential to pinpoint the most important one. Access control stands out in this regard. Controlling who … Read more