What is API Security? | How to prevent API attacks? | Top 20 API Security Tools | Top 20 Best practices for API Security

API security is the safeguarding of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) against unauthorized access, usage, disclosure, disruption, alteration, or destruction. This could include safeguards like encryption, authentication, and authorization. Frequent testing and monitoring are also a part of API security to make sure that flaws are detected and repaired right away.


What is API and how API works? | What is an API in simplest terms?

For the purpose of creating software and applications, an API (Application Programming Interface) is a collection of guidelines and protocols. It outlines how software components need to cooperate, and APIs enable communication between various systems.

Different software systems can communicate with one another and share data thanks to APIs. Making an API call is how a software program asks for data from another program or service. The API call is directed to the API endpoint (a specific URL), which includes guidelines for the program’s course of action and how to retrieve the required data.

After processing the request, the API endpoint replies with data, which may be in JSON, XML, or another format. The requesting software then uses this response to finish its task.

APIs come in two flavors: public and private. Public APIs are accessible to everyone, whereas private APIs are only utilized internally within a company. The Twitter API, which enables developers to access tweets, and the Google Maps API, which enables developers to integrate maps on their websites, are two examples of public APIs.

REST and SOAP are two examples of alternative technologies that can be used to construct APIs. Web services are frequently built using the REST architectural approach, which leverages HTTP protocols to GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE data. A messaging system called SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) enables programs to exchange structured data through HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and other dependable transit.

In general, APIs make it possible to integrate and communicate with various software and hardware, which expands the usefulness and potential of programs.


What are the types of API security? | What makes an API secure?

A variety of API security methods can be put into practice, including:

  • Authentication: This makes sure that only people with permission can use the API. OAuth, JWT, and API keys are just a few of the ways that can be used for this.
  • Authorization: This makes sure users can only carry out tasks for which they have been given permission. Role-based access control or the use of access control lists can be used to accomplish this.
  • Data communicated through the API is secure and cannot be intercepted or read by unauthorized parties thanks to encryption. The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols can be used for this.
  • Rate restriction is the technique used to restrict the number of API requests that can be done in a specific amount of time. By doing this, Denial of Service (DoS) assaults are reduced.
  • Monitoring & Logging: Monitoring and logging: This involves keeping an eye on how APIs are used and recording any unusual activities. This can assist in identifying and averting security threats.
  • Input validation: Verify that the input given on API calls is in the right format and is not malicious by doing input validation.
  • API Sandboxing:  API sandboxing is a method for protecting the API from malicious inputs and actions by placing it in a secure environment apart from the rest of the system.
  • API Management Tools: Utilizing API administration solutions, such as API gateways, which can control traffic, security, and other services.

The above-mentioned are practices that can be enabled through proper action or by implementing good devices in place for API security.



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API Security API attacks API Security Tools -InfoSecChamp.com

What is the top 20 API security?

  1. Authentication and Authorization
  2. Input validation
  3. Encryption
  4. Token-based security
  5. Rate limiting
  6. Logging and monitoring
  7. Vulnerability scanning
  8. Risk assessment
  9. Credential management
  10. Secure communication protocols
  11. Error handling
  12. Access control
  13. DDoS protection
  14. Firewall
  15. Sandboxing
  16. Software development lifecycle (SDLC) security
  17. Third-party security assessment
  18. Incident response
  19. Identity and access management (IAM)
  20. API management tools such as API gateways can handle security, traffic management, and other functions.

Please keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list, and the significance of any security (API security) measure may change depending on how the API is implemented and used. Additionally, this list may be expanded as new security measures are deployed and as new threats and vulnerabilities develop over time.


What are API vulnerabilities?

API vulnerabilities are weak points or faults in an API’s configuration, implementation, or design that an attacker could use to obtain access without authorization, steal data, or carry out other nefarious tasks. Common API flaws include, for instance:

  • Injection attacks: Attacks known as “injections” occur when an attacker inserts malicious code into an API to obtain confidential information or carry out other tasks.
  • Broken authentication and session management:  When an attacker can get past authentication and access controls to access the API without authorization, there is a problem with authentication and session management.
  • Insecure data storage: Insecure data storage refers to the practice of keeping sensitive information in an environment where it is exposed to theft and unauthorized access.
  • Lack of rate limiting: Without rate limitation, a hacker could overwhelm the API with many requests and launch a Denial of Service (DoS) attack.
  • Lack of input validation: An attacker might provide the API malicious input, possibly causing it to crash or carry out unexpected activities.
  • Lack of transport encryption: The communication between the API and the client is not encrypted in this case, leaving it open to eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • Absence of logging and monitoring: this allows attackers to carry out nefarious acts undetected.
  • Insufficient error handling: An attacker may use unhandled errors to obtain unauthorized access or steal data if there is insufficient error handling.
  • Insecure deployment: Unauthorized access can be obtained through insecure deployment when an attacker can take advantage of flaws in the environment used for API deployment.

It’s crucial to remember that this is not a comprehensive list, and as the threat landscape and technological landscape change, new vulnerabilities may appear. To find and fix any API vulnerabilities, regular testing and vulnerability assessment are essential.


What is API Security risk? | What are API attacks?

API security risks are potential dangers or weaknesses that an attacker could take advantage of to access a system improperly, steal information, or commit other malicious acts against an API. Risks to API security, for instance:

  1. Attacks using code injection: An attacker can insert harmful code into an API to access confidential information or carry out other operations.
  2. Broken authentication and session management:  An attacker may be able to access the API without authorization if authentication and session management are not working properly.
  3. Data breaches:  Data breaches occur when personal information is taken from an API by means of unauthorized access or the use of flaws.
  4. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks:  Attacks known as denial of service (DoS) occur when an attacker overwhelms an API with numerous requests, rendering it unavailable to authorized users.
  5. Man-in-the-middle attacks: These occur when an attacker eavesdrops on API-to-client conversations and either steals data or modifies the message.
  6. Eavesdropping: In order to obtain sensitive information, an attacker may eavesdrop on communications between an API and a client.
  7. Unauthorized access: When an attacker has access to the API, they are able to change or delete data without authorization.
  8. Privacy violations: occur when an attacker can gain access to sensitive personal data, like credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other details, via the API.
  9. Reputation damage: Reputational harm occurs when an API security compromise affects both the provider of the API and the businesses using it.

It’s critical to keep in mind that API security risks are continually changing, and new threats could appear as technology and the threat landscape shift. To ensure the safety of the API and the data it processes, it is essential to regularly review and manage API security concerns.


How do I secure API authentication?

Implementing a series of safeguards to ensure that only authorized users may use the API and carry out the tasks they are authorized to do constitutes secure API authentication. Here are some strategies for protecting API authentication:

  • Utilize token-based authentication: which generates a special token for each user at login and sends it along with each API request. In order to confirm that the request is coming from an authorized user, the API can then check the token.
  • Use OAuth or OpenID Connect: Both are extensively used and supported by the majority of major platforms. OAuth is a standard for authorization, and OpenID Connect is a standard for authentication. They enable users to use credentials from a third-party service, such as to authenticate with an API like Google, Facebook, or Twitter.
  • Use two-factor authentication: which entails asking users for something besides a password, like a fingerprint or a one-time code texted to a phone.
  • Use API keys: This entails providing a special key to each user or application that needs access to the API. Each API request can contain a key, and the API can check the key to make sure the request is coming from a legitimate user or application.
  • Use a secure communication protocol: Encrypt the communication between the client and the server using a secure communication protocol, such as HTTPS or SSL/TLS, to make it more difficult for attackers to intercept or tamper with the data.
  • Implement regular monitoring and logging: to detect and respond to any suspicious activity or unauthorized access attempts.
  • Utilize an identity and access management (IAM) solution, which can assist in controlling and protecting user access to APIs.

It’s critical to remember that maintaining API authentication security calls for continual testing and monitoring in order to identify and counter emerging threats. It’s crucial to combine these techniques in order to offer various layers of protection.


How many types of APIs are there?

APIs come in a variety of forms, each with unique features and applications. These are some examples of popular API types:

  1. Open APIs (Public APIs): An easy API key can be used to access these open (also known as public) APIs, which are accessible to all users. They are frequently employed in the creation of web-based services and mobile apps, as well as services that are externally facing.
  2. Internal/Private APIs: APIs that are internal to an organization or firm is known as private or internal APIs and are usable only within that entity. They are frequently employed when various departments require access to the same data and are used to share data and services inside a company.
  3. Partner APIs: These are utilized when two or more businesses want to share data and services. They are utilized to create system integrations between various platforms.
  4. Composite APIs: These are a grouping of various endpoints that cooperate to carry out a more comprehensive task.
  5. Web APIs: Data is frequently retrieved from a website or online application via web APIs, which are used to conduct tasks on the internet.
  6. Operating System APIs: These allow for communication with the underlying operating system and are frequently used to gain access to system resources including memory, storage, and the network.
  7. Library APIs: Library APIs are used to gain access to a pre-written group of code that may be utilized to carry out a certain operation.
  8. Database APIs: Database APIs are used to retrieve, update, and remove data from databases.

The fact that these API categories are not mutually exclusive and that some APIs may combine more than one kind is crucial to keep in mind. New API types can also appear as technology and the use cases for APIs continue to advance.


Is REST API encrypted?

There is no specific encryption technique specified by the REST (Representational State Transfer) architectural style for creating web services. But when developing REST APIs, it’s typical to utilize HTTPS (HTTP Secure) or SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) to encrypt communication between the client and the server.

Through the use of a procedure known as the SSL/TLS Handshake, HTTPS and SSL/TLS encrypt the communication by creating a secure connection between the client and server. Public key encryption and symmetric key encryption are used in conjunction in this process to safeguard the connection. Additionally, it authenticates the server’s identity by examining the SSL/TLS certificate, guarding against man-in-the-middle attacks.

It is significant to note that the REST API’s default HTTP protocol is not encrypted, hence it is strongly advised to utilize HTTPS to encrypt communication instead. Additionally, using encryption is only one part of protecting an API; other security measures should also be used, such as input validation, access limits, and authentication.


What is an API gateway?

A server that serves as a middleman between an application and a collection of microservices is known as an API gateway. The API gateway is in charge of, among other things, request composition, routing, and protocol translation.

In microservice architectures, API gateways are frequently used to offer a single access point for external consumers of the microservices. The API gateway is in charge of aspects including request composition, protocol translation, and routing. The API gateway is in charge of aspects including request composition, protocol translation, and routing.

Additional tasks that API gateways can perform include:

  • Making ensuring that only authorized users can use the API with authentication and authorization
  • Load balancing: By distributing incoming requests among several microservices, load balancing
  • By storing frequently requested data in caches, you can increase the API’s performance.
  • Security: Defending the API against multiple assaults
  • Monitoring and analytics: Analytics and monitoring to get information about API performance and usage
  • Traffic management: limiting the rate at which new requests arrive in order to avoid overloading the system

Software, hardware, or a hybrid of the two can be used to implement API gateways. They may be put into use on-site, in the cloud, or in a mixed setting. They can also be used to combine various APIs into a single point of access, making it easier for developers and organizations to create and manage APIs.

Overall, the API Gateway performs the job of a reverse proxy, forwarding client requests to the proper service and serving as a shared layer for features like security, rate restriction, caching, and logging.


What is an API endpoint?

An API endpoint is a particular URL or API endpoint that a client application can visit to deliver or receive data. The endpoint, which might include either a specific resource or a specific version of a resource, is the point at which a given resource can be accessed.

An endpoint is a combination of a specific URL and a specific HTTP method (such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE). For example, a GET request to the URL “https://api.example.com/users” would retrieve a list of users, while a GET request to the URL “https://api.example.com/users/42” would retrieve a specific user with the ID 42.

API endpoints can also take parameters, for example, a GET request to the URL “https://api.example.com/users?age=25” would retrieve a list of users that are 25 years old.

APIs typically have multiple endpoints, each of which exposes a different resource or set of resources, and each endpoint can have multiple methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc.

A communication point known as an endpoint allows the API to receive requests and respond to them. Depending on the structure of the API, endpoints can be arranged in many ways, but they are all intended to grant access to a single resource or group of resources.


Is postman API a gateway?

Postman is a tool for creating and testing APIs; it is not an API gateway.

Developers may test and document APIs using Postman, a tool. It makes it simple for developers to send calls to an API, view the answers, and test the API’s multiple endpoints. Additionally, it has functions like the capacity to remember and arrange requests, produce code snippets for various programming languages, and produce and distribute API documentation.

In contrast, API Gateway is a server that serves as a middleman between an application and a collection of microservices. It offers features like security, rate restriction, caching, and logging and directs client requests to the right service.

It is frequently used in microservice architectures to offer a solitary entry point for the microservices’ external consumers.

Despite not being an API gateway and not offering the same features, Postman is a helpful tool for developers to test and document APIs.



What OSI layer is the API gateway?

In the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) paradigm, an API gateway runs at layer 7, or the application layer.

The OSI model is a paradigm that explains how various network layer interactions result in data transmission. Seven layers, each with a distinct function, make up the model.

The application layer (layer 7) is the top layer in the OSI model and is in charge of regulating communication between the application and the network as well as providing a user interface. In the case of an API Gateway, this layer is in charge of managing and directing client requests to the proper microservices, offering features like security, rate limitation, caching, and logging.

The API gateway (for API security) performs the job of a reverse proxy, forwarding client requests to the proper service and serving as a shared layer for features like security, rate restriction, caching, and logging. Additionally, it gives external users of the microservices a solitary entry point.

It’s important to remember that the OSI model is theoretical and that in actual implementations, distinct levels’ functions may overlap or be handled by other components.


What are the 7 protocol layers?

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a paradigm that explains how various network layer interactions affect data transmission. The model is composed of 7 levels, each of which serves a particular purpose:

  1. The Physical Layer (Layer 1) is in charge of sending unprocessed bits via a communication connection. It specifies the network’s physical parameters, including voltage levels, signal timing, and physical data rate.
  2. This layer, known as the Data Link Layer (Layer 2), is in charge of facilitating dependable data flow across a physical link. Error detection and correction, as well as the establishment, maintenance, and termination of connections between devices are all its responsibilities.
  3. The third layer, known as the network layer, is in charge of directing data packets through the network. It provides a method of establishing virtual connections between various networks and is in charge of making decisions on logical addressing and routing.
  4. The Transport Layer (Layer 4) is in charge of ensuring secure, end-to-end data flow between programs running on various devices. In addition to flow control and error recovery, it is in charge of segmenting and reassembling data.
  5. The Session Layer (Layer 5) is in charge of creating, preserving, and severing connections between programs. It is in charge of overseeing sessions and giving devices a way to synchronize their communications.
  6. The Presentation Layer (Layer 6) is in charge of translating data between the network’s format and the one used by the application. It handles data encryption, decryption, and compression.
  7. Application Layer (Layer 7): This layer is in charge of creating a user interface and regulating how the application and the network communicate. It offers a way for consumers to access the application and for apps to access the network.

It’s important to remember that the OSI model is theoretical and that in actual implementations, distinct levels’ functions may overlap or be handled by other components. Additionally, certain protocols could cover numerous layers and not easily fit inside the OSI paradigm.


Which Protocol is used for API?

The implementation of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) can be done using a number of different protocols. For creating APIs, two of the most popular protocols are ( for API security):

GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE are some of the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) methods used by REST (Representational State Transfer), a prominent architectural design for creating web services. RESTful APIs can deliver data in a variety of formats, such as JSON or XML, and they retrieve and manipulate resources using conventional HTTP protocols.

A communications system called SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) enables programs to exchange structured data across HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and other dependable channels. To deliver and receive messages, SOAP combines XML and HTTP, and it typically includes a detailed specification for how the messages should be formatted and processed.

Other protocols, such as:

  • gRPC: An open-source framework for building high-performance, compact APIs using the HTTP/2 transport protocol and the Protocol Buffers data serialization format.
  • GraphQL is an open-source query and manipulation language for APIs, as well as a runtime for applying those queries to your data.
  • Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is an open standard for transferring business communications between programs or organizations. It makes use of the publish-subscribe concept and is intended to be quick, effective, and simple to use.

The use case, the API’s specific needs, and the client apps that will use the API will all influence the protocol choice for API security.


What are the Three layers in API?

Depending on the design, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) can be organized in a variety of ways, but one typical technique is to divide an API into three layers:

The Data Access Layer is in charge of communicating with data storage systems like databases and cloud storage services. It often uses a particular protocol, such as SQL or NoSQL, to communicate with the data storage system and is in charge of accessing, updating, and removing data.

The business logic layer is in charge of putting the application’s main business logic into practice. Utilizing the information from the data access layer, it receives requests from the client and processes them. Additionally, it carries out any required verification, authentication, and authorization, and it returns the appropriate response to the client.

The Presentation Layer: In this layer, communication between the client and the API is managed. It manages the JSON or XML-based request and response formats and offers a means of specifying the API endpoint. Additionally, it is in charge of processing any required data transformations, such as putting the data into a format that the client application can use.


What are API Security tools?

Tools for protecting APIs against various attacks and vulnerabilities include software and services. The following are some popular kinds of API security tools:

  1. API Firewall: An API firewall is a security mechanism that keeps track of and manages API access. Incoming requests can be rate-limited, malicious requests can be blocked, and additional security checks can be carried out.
  2. API Management Platform: A platform known as an API management platform offers a selection of tools for developing, controlling, and safeguarding APIs. It may have functions like access control, analytics, and documentation, as well as functionality for managing API keys.
  3. Authentication and Authorization: In order to authenticate and authorize users who are attempting to access an API, a variety of tools is available. Tools for token-based authentication may be included in this, OAuth, and OpenID Connect.
  4. Web Application Firewall (WAF): A security technology called a web application firewall (WAF) keeps track of and manages user access to web applications. Incoming requests can be rate-limited, malicious requests can be blocked, and additional security checks can be carried out.
  5. Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS): Network traffic is monitored by the intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS), which also detects and stops harmful activities.
  6. API security testing tools: This is a set of tools that can be used to test the security of an API. This can include tools for automated vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and manual security testing.
  7. Encryption and Transport Security: Using techniques like HTTPS or SSL/TLS, encryption and transport security can be utilized to encrypt communication between the client and the API.
  8. Identity and Access Management (IAM) system: API user access can be controlled and secured using the Identity and Access Management (IAM) system, a collection of tools.

It’s critical to keep in mind that maintaining API security is a continuous process that calls for constant testing and monitoring in order to identify and counter new threats. Furthermore, it’s crucial to combine these solutions to offer various layers of security.


API Security OWASP | OWASP API Security

A collection of rules and best practices for safeguarding web applications and APIs are offered by the nonprofit group OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). The OWASP project especially focuses on the security of APIs, and one of its subprojects is the OWASP API Security Project.

For safeguarding APIs, the OWASP API Security Project offers a number of recommendations and recommended practices, including:

  • Input validation: Validating all inputs to make sure they adhere to the desired format and are free of harmful code.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Implementing strong authentication and permission systems will guarantee that only permitted users can use the API.
  • Access controls: Access controls are implemented to restrict access to resources and data based on the role and permissions of the authorized user.
  • Encryption:  To prevent unauthorized access, all sensitive data should be encrypted both in transit and at rest.
  • Error handling and logging: Implementing reliable error handling and logging techniques can help you identify and address security incidents.
  • Rate Limiting: Implementing rate-limiting will help stop Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
  • API Gateway: Making use of an API Gateway to manage API access and add extra security features like rate limitation, caching, and logging.
  • Third-Party Components: Examining the security of any third-party components used in the API falls under the category of third-party components.

Additionally, the OWASP API Security Project offers a list of the top 10 API vulnerabilities, which is a collection of the most prevalent and serious security threats that affect APIs. Injection, flawed object-level authorization, and insecure data storage are just a few of the vulnerabilities that make up this list.

In general, the OWASP API Security Project offers a list of recommendations and best practices for securing APIs along with a list of the top 10 API vulnerabilities to be wary of. To make sure that the APIs are secure, it’s crucial to adhere to certain recommendations and best practices (for API Security).


What are the 4 types of REST API?

An API gateway can include firewall features to secure APIs, however, an API (Application Programming Interface) is not a firewall.

  1. An API is a collection of protocols, procedures, and building blocks for programs and applications. It outlines the appropriate ways for software components to interact, and APIs enable communication between various systems.
  2. Contrarily, a firewall is a type of security system that keeps an eye on and manages incoming and outgoing network traffic in accordance with a set of security rules and standards. It is applied to stop unauthorized users from accessing or leaving a private network.
  3. API gateways, which are servers that serve as a middleman between an application and a collection of microservices, frequently have a firewall feature. The API gateway can be used to manage API access and has capabilities including rate restriction, caching, and reporting. It can also be utilized to thwart malicious queries and run security checks on incoming requests.
  4. A Web application firewall (WAF) or an intrusion detection and prevention system (IDPS), for example, can be coupled with an API gateway (for API security) to provide additional layers of security (here in terms of API security).


What are examples of API?

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are utilized in a wide range of fields and for numerous objectives. Some examples of APIs and their applications are provided below:

  • Social media APIs: Major APIs, such as the Twitter and Facebook Graph APIs, let programmers access the data on these social media sites and create programs that can communicate with them. An app that automatically tweets the most recent news from a specific news source may be created by a developer using the Twitter API, for instance.
  • E-commerce APIs: With the help of e-commerce APIs, programmers can access information about products and prices and create apps that can communicate with e-commerce platforms, such as the Amazon Product Advertising API and the eBay API (for API security). For example, a developer could use the Amazon Product Advertising API to build a price comparison app that shows the lowest prices for a particular product on different e-commerce sites.
  • Payment APIs: Using APIs from companies like Stripe and PayPal, developers may create applications that can handle payments. The Stripe API, for instance, might be utilized by a developer to create an e-commerce application that enables credit card payments from customers.
  • Maps and location APIs: Using APIs like the OpenStreetMap API and the Google Maps API, developers can create applications that show maps and offer location-based services. The Google Maps API, for instance, might be used to create a ride-sharing application that allows users to request a trip while also showing the locations of nearby automobiles.
  • Weather APIs: OpenWeather and Weather Underground APIs, for example, enable developers to access present and predict weather data and create applications that can deliver weather-related information. An app that displays the current temperature and forecast for the user’s location, for instance, might be created by a developer using a weather API (for API security).

These are only a few of the many different kinds of APIs that are offered. APIs are utilized in numerous industries and can be found for a wide variety of purposes.



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API Security API attacks API Security Tools -InfoSecChamp.com


Top 20 API security Best Practices

A crucial component of creating and maintaining APIs is API security. The top 20 API security best practices are listed below for your consideration:

  1. For authentication and authorization, use API keys and tokens.
  2. To encrypt data in transit, always use HTTPS when calling an API.
  3. Update and patch all frameworks and API dependencies on a regular basis for API security.
  4. To defend yourself against common web threats, use a WAF (Web Application Firewall).
  5. To stop DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, use rate limiting.
  6. Use API gateways to manage API access and add extra security features.
  7. To avoid injection attacks, make sure to validate all input and output data.
  8. Encrypt sensitive data while it is at rest to safeguard it.
  9. Check API logs for any unusual behavior, and put alerting systems in place.
  10. To disseminate your API and fend against DDoS attacks, use a content delivery network (CDN).
  11. Do not hard-code secrets into your API.
  12. Implement granular access controls to limit access to particular resources.
  13. For authentication and authorization, make use of OAuth or OpenID Connect.
  14. To recognize and reduce potential security concerns, use threat modeling.
  15. Conduct security testing on a regular basis to identify and address issues.
  16. To defend against physical threats, use a cloud-based architecture.
  17. Use a cloud-based security service to defend against web application assaults.
  18. To find and address security issues, use a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system.
  19. Check the API for vulnerabilities using a vulnerability management platform (VMP).
  20. Control and keep an eye on API access with an API management platform.

To make sure your API complies with industry standards and laws, it’s important to note that this is not a comprehensive list of security best practices. It’s also crucial to routinely assess and upgrade your security procedures because security is a continuous process and new threats and vulnerabilities may appear over time.


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API Security API attacks API Security Tools -InfoSecChamp.com


Top 20 API Security Checklist

Building and maintaining APIs require careful consideration of API security. Here are a few of the top 20 API security considerations:

  1. Every API call should use authentication and authorization.
  2. For data at rest and in transit, use industry-standard encryption.
  3. Update and patch every framework and dependency on a regular basis.
  4. Verify all data, both input, and output for API Security.
  5. Protect yourself against common web assaults by using a WAF (Web Application Firewall).
  6. Rate restriction should be used to stop DoS (Denial of Service) attacks.
  7. API gateways can be used to manage API access and to add further security measures.
  8. For login and authorization, use OpenID Connect or OAuth.
  9. Modeling threats to detect and reduce potential security risks
  10. Look for API vulnerabilities using a vulnerability management platform (VMP).
  11. Utilize an API management tool to regulate and keep an eye on API access.
  12. To defend against physical assaults, use a cloud-based architecture.
  13. To defend against web application assaults, use a cloud-based security service.
  14. Keep an eye out for questionable activity in API logs, and have alerting measures in place.
  15. Conduct regular security testing to identify and address vulnerabilities
  16. To find and address security issues, use a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system.
  17. Distribute your API using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) while defending against DDoS attacks.
  18. Utilize granular access restrictions to limit access to particular resources.
  19. Stay away from hard-coding secrets in your API, it is one of the best practices also for API security.
  20. Create an incident response plan, and practice responding to incidents frequently.

To make sure your API complies with industry standards and laws, it’s important to note that this is not a comprehensive list of security best practices. It’s also crucial to routinely assess and upgrade your security procedures because security is a continuous process and new threats and vulnerabilities may appear over time.



In this article, we focused on the many aspects of API Security. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are software components that let developers build applications with specific functionalities. In other words, taking care of API security it is one of the best practices in the world of cybersecurity, hence let’s start with API security best practices.


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