Meet Jerry Geisler: Walmart’s Trusted Guardian of Information Security” | Best of Walmart CISO

Jerry Geisler has worked in the field of information technology for more than 25 years, which has established him as a well-respected specialist in the fields of information technology and cybersecurity. He currently serves as Senior Vice President and Global Chief Information Security Officer at Walmart, where he is accountable for ensuring that the retailer’s information and data are kept secure.


The Rise of Jerry Geisler in Cybersecurity at Walmart

After receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Arkansas in the early 1990s, Geisler launched his career in the information technology and cybersecurity industries. He landed a position as a software engineer at Walmart and began working on critical projects including supply chain management and point-of-sale systems as soon as he started there.

Jerry Geisler sought a master’s degree in information security from the University of Fairfax because he had developed a significant interest in computer security throughout the course of his professional life. Because of his newly acquired expertise and experience, he was able to transition to a position in cybersecurity at Walmart and quickly move up the company’s ranks.

In 2011, Jerry Geisler was promoted to the role of Chief Information Security Officer for Walmart’s eCommerce segment. In this position, he was in charge of assuring the protection of the organization’s online activities. It was under his direction that Walmart eCommerce acquired PCI DSS 3.0 certification, therefore becoming the first retailer to do so and marking a critical milestone in the world of information security.

In 2015, Jerry Geisler was rewarded for his contributions to Walmart’s efforts to improve its cybersecurity and was awarded the post of Senior Director of Information Security. In this role, he worked closely with the executive leadership team to conceptualize and put into effect novel approaches to security, such as threat intelligence and advanced analytics.

Geisler’s exceptional professional successes in 2017 led to his promotion to the rank of Senior Vice President and Global Chief Information Security Officer at Walmart. This promotion is a direct outcome of Geisler’s hard work and dedication to the company. In this role, he is responsible for directing a group of information security experts to safeguard Walmart’s enormous digital and physical infrastructure. He is also in charge of supervising the information security of the firm on a global scale.

Jerry Geisler is well-known not just for his great professional skill but also for his personal attributes, which include his strong work ethic, attention to detail, and collaborative approach. His professional expertise has earned him a significant amount of respect in his field. Because of his skill in developing and implementing cybersecurity strategies that are congruent with the goals of the organization, he is held in high esteem by both his immediate coworkers and his professional contemporaries.

Jerry Geisler is an active member of a wide variety of professional organizations, including the National Cybersecurity Alliance, where he serves on the board of directors. He is frequently asked to speak at a variety of events that are hosted by the industry, and he has been recognized for the contributions that he has made to the investigation of information security.


The Contributions and Achievements of Jerry Geisler in Cybersecurity

Jerry Geisler‘s extraordinary career journey, which saw him rise from the position of a software engineer to that of Walmart’s global chief information security officer, is a testament to his dedication, hard work, and passion for his subject. Geisler began his career at Walmart as a software engineer and eventually moved up the ranks to become Walmart’s global chief information security officer. He has established himself as an influential figure in the subject of cybersecurity thanks to the significant contributions he has made to the field, as well as the personal and professional talents he possesses, which have earned him a reputation as a leader in the sector.


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