Top 11 Best Practices for Efficient and Effective Vulnerability Management Lifecycle

vulnerability management lifecycle

The term “vulnerability management lifecycle” (VML) refers to a procedure that is methodical and ongoing, and it is used to find, evaluate, and eliminate security flaws in the information technology systems of a company. As a result of its ability to lessen the likelihood of security breaches and assaults, it is an essential component of … Read more

What is Vulnerability Management? | 25 Best Practices and Processes for Vulnerability Management

vulnerability management tools factors certification framework

Vulnerability management is the process of discovering, evaluating, and prioritizing security holes in computer systems, networks, and applications, and then taking action to fix or mitigate those holes. By locating and fixing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited, vulnerability management works to lessen the likelihood of a security breach or attack. Locating security holes, analyzing … Read more