OpenAI privacy concerns | OpenAI’s Privacy Nightmare: EU Slams ChatGPT Over Personal Data Concerns

OpenAI privacy concerns

OpenAI privacy concerns are in the spotlight as the company faces intense scrutiny in the EU over Poland launching an investigation into potential GDPR violations by ChatGPT. The probe centers around complaints that OpenAI failed to correct false information and provided “evasive” answers about how personal data is used to train its AI systems. This … Read more

Microsoft Resolves Security Issue Impacting Bing and Microsoft 365 | Explained Azure Security Flaw

Azure Security Flaw

Millions of users of Bing and Microsoft 365 could have been at danger of cyberattacks due to the recent “Azure Security Flaw” in Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure. Nonetheless, Microsoft responded to the problem right away, preventing the potential catastrophe. The vulnerability that may have exposed private data was found by a cybersecurity company. Microsoft’s prompt response … Read more